July 1, 2008

Undergraduate Degrees

Me: "Ugh. Now I just want cereal so bad."
Robyn: "You're SO collegey. Only college people want cereal."
Me: "What?"
Robyn: "That's like what college people do. Like, 'I just wish I was studying with bare feet on a desk, with an open book and bowl after bowl of cereal. Hey! Let's go hang out with that drunk guy in that room with cereal. SO college. This cereal would taste so much better with an open book. Hey Suzie, whatcha doin tonight? Oh just got some mushrooms and two boxes of Cheerios."

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Freshman and sophomore year I LIVED on Lucky Charms and Cocoa Puffs (MIXED, and NO, Chocolate Lucky Charms are NOT the same!) from the North Campus Dining Hall (lovingly, "The Diner") I was SO COLLEGE. Go hard or go home, right? :)